Friday 30 April 2010

Vacaciones en Dubai

Estuvimos unos dias, en Semana Santa, de vacaciones en Dubai. Nos gusto mas de lo que esperabamos. Es una ciudad bastante impresionante. Pasamos unos dias muy entretenidos y los tres nos lo pasamos fenomenal.

We spent four days at Easter on holiday in Dubai. We liked it more than we thought we would. It was an impressive city and we did quite a few things and had a great time.

Los centros comerciales impresioantes como la cascada esta con esculturas tamano natural de nadadores! El acuario tambien muy chulo.

The shopping malls there were very impressive like this waterfall at Dubai Mall that had lifesize statues of divers. The aquarium was also very cool.

Paseo en Dhow que es un barco tipico arabe pero qeu todavia se utiliza en Asia para trasporte de mercancias. Estan hecho totalemnte en madera. Tom se lo paso fenomenal con tanto transporte e hizo tambien una foto de mama.

We took a trip on a dhow, a typical arabic boat that is still used today to transport goods in Asia. It's totally made out of wood. Tom had a great time with all the different types of transport we used and developed a love of photography. He took this one of his mum.

Los edificios son realmente impresionantes. La torre Khalifa quita el hipo de lo alta que es (165 plantas!)

The skyscrapers were really impressive, none more than Burj Khalifa the tallest
free standing building in the world (165 floors!).

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