Thursday 30 November 2006

At the beach/En la playa

Despite it being November 30th it is still warm enough here to go to the beach. Thomas loves the beach as he has lots of space to run around in, shells to collect and watching Dad make sandcastles.

Aunque es 30 de Noviembre todavía hace suficiente calor para ir a la playa. A Thomas le encanta la playa porque tiene un montón de espacio para jugar, conchas para recoger y ve a papa construir castillos de arena.

Thursday 23 November 2006

First photos/Primeros Fotos

At last we have a cable for the camera so you can see the first photos of us and our building (the one on the right) in Kuwait.

Por fin tenemos un cable para la camera asi podeis vernos y ver el edificio donde vivimos (el de la derecha) en Kuwait.

Thursday 16 November 2006

Hello and welcome/Hola y bienvenidos!

Hello everybody and welcome to our Blog. We thought this would be easier than sending mass emails.

As most of you may (or may not) know we moved to Kuwait. Mat got here in August, Belen and Tommy arrived in October. It's been a bit of adjustment for all of us but at least Belen and Tommy missed the joys(?!) of Ramadan. Our flat is spacious and light if a bit rough around the edges. Still it's free and a few more trips to Ikea and the Friday market and it should be just like home.

De momento hemos hecho algo de turismo pero principalmente a los centros comerciales, era imposible estar al aire libre con estas temperaturas. Los fines de semana los pasamos en la playa y la piscina. De momento no hemos aprendido arabe pero Belen se maneja ya con los numeros. Thomas todavia no habla ni en espanol, ni ingles ni arabe, hay que darle tiempo con tanto idioma!!!

Mat is teaching at Gulf English School. The school is good and although it is hard work, as it always is when starting a new school, he is enjoying it and the money is pretty good! Belen, for the time being at least, is enjoying being a lady of leisure (!). Tommy has settled in very well and is enjoying the attention.

We'll try and update as often as we can. Para que podais ver como crece Thomas.

Bye for now / hasta pronto

Mat, Belen y Thomas